Akash (RID : 1amm4l7q4i2vz)

  • Software Developer
  • Mumbai, India, ,


$ 17.46 (Hourly)


7 Years



Work From



SpringJavaAngular 2 OOPS


Software Engineer - 04/2019 to present
Birlasoft LTD, Mumbai
 Cooperate with seniors to create clean interfaces and simple, intuitive interactions and experiences.
 Develop project on spring and JPA and maintain optimal workflow.
 Work with senior developers to manage large, complex design projects for corporate clients.
 Banking and finance-related rating of the companies and allotment of the ratings were given in the applications.
 Complete detailed programming and development tasks for front end public and internal websites as well as challenging back-end server code.
 Carry out quality assurance tests to discover errors and optimize usability.
Java Developer - 06/2018 to 03/2019
Zero microfinance and saving support system (SBI), Mumbai
 Worked as a full stack java developer on SBI complaint management system for the internal flow of the SBI.
 Develop project on spring and JPA and maintain optimal workflow.
 Direct interaction with the client for the understanding of the requirement and customer satisfaction.
 Among other applications that were given support included backend API development for the android application for the field employee to handle the application in their phones.
 Track the devices and the field employees location using the backend API and the couch db interaction with the android devices.

Tech Mentor - 06/2017 to 06/2018
NIIT LTD, Mumbai
 Worked as a developer and trainer for the new trainees incorporated on full stack development projects.
 Major application was based on spring architecture of pan India Institute Management system which took care of the money transactions as well the material transaction records.
 Apart from the full-fledged application, the other smaller applications where support was required to be given to the new trainees were the collection tracking, print invoices
using the open source reporting tools like Jasper report etc.

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