Abhay Kumar
9+YearsofexperienceinAWS.LookingfortheopportunitytoapplygainedexperienceinAWSEngineering. Adept at developing solutions, procedures and service standards for project transformation and business excellence. Proficient in designing effective solutions for cloud deployment, transitioning multiple projects, and ensuring seamless delivery ofservices.
Senior AWS Developer - Confidential.
March 2020- Present
Environment: AWS Cloud, Azure Dev0ps
Technology:EKS,ECS,ECR,ElasticBeanstalk,VPC,EC2,Autoscaling,ELB,SNS,Security,AWSServicesEC2, RDS,EBS,S3,AmazonVPC,Route53,ELB,CloudWatch,CloudFormation,AutoScaling,SNS,CloudTrail,IAM, Docker,Kubernetes.
AWS Data Engineering
- Collaboratedwithateamof10+includingdataarchitects&modelersforunderstandingbusiness processes and functionalrequirements
- Designed and automated complex applications for extracting, transforming & loading data onAWS.
- Migrated Data Lake setup from Azure Cloud toAWS
AWS Setup & Architecture
- Evaluated requirement & recommended the best technical solutions to migrate the application to AWS.
- CreatedthearchitectureandcreatedtheCloudFormationtemplatetofacilitateEKSandother service deployment.
- Provided complete infrastructure solution to client including configuration, BOM ofServer.
Cloud Management & Troubleshoofing
- Deployed the Elastic Load Balancer &configured HTTPS certificates &managed scalable & highly available systems onAWS.
- Setup a VPC environment &designed an effective backup strategy depending uponclient requirements.
- Complied with the established software development life cycle methodology to deliver effective solutions.
Senior Software Engineer - Confidential Jan 2018 - Dec 2019 Environment: AWS Cloud,GCP
Technology:ECS,ElasticBeanstalk,VPC,EC2,Autoscaling,ELB,SNS,Security,AWSServicesEC2,RDS,EBS, S3, Amazon VPC, Route53, ELB, CloudWatch, Cloud Formation, Auto Scaling, SNS, CloudTrail, IAM, Docker, HDP,Talend
AWS Setup & Architecture
- PlayedakeyroleinselectingappropriateAWSservicebasedondata,compute,database,or securityrequirements.
- Analyzedclientrequirements&determinedsystemarchitecturerequirementstoachievebusiness goals.
- Hadoop ProfessionalExperience
- Screened Hadoop cluster job performances and capacity planning and monitored cluster connectivity andsecurity.
- Configure and Manage Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) operations via Ambari & nativetools.
Senior Cloud Engineer - Confidential &